Wednesday, October 24, 2007

five .

Bloglines is /are a whole new ballgame for one such as myself and I suspect a few of the my fellow players and teammates AKA bloggers as we now so properly call ourselves . As we step up to the plate as it were to continue the baseball analogy lets all hope we hit the bloggers equivalent of a home run . Welcome to World Series Blogger .

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

four .

Thanks to our great friends at FLICKR or should that be flicker as in My Friend Flicka , which of course is a horse and assureredly not by a long chalk a dolphin .........


The old joke about Roadies and how many it takes to change a light globe has some relevance in the debate about Librarians and the new technology . Perhaps its not a question of globes with us but when you think of some of the changes it is astounding . Some of us will recall in the Dark Ages as it were how many people it took to do everyday library functions such as memberships, etc . One such function in Reservations I can recall was once one persons full time position to administer . Now the placing , allocation and notification would take exactly how long , I wonder . No doubt quicker than it would take a Roadie to locate a suitable ladder .